An Educated Guess
Posted by Big Gav
A while ago I made the following offhand observation in passing as the bird flu news flow started increasing.
So what has bird flu got to do with peak oil (other than being another meme that attracts the attention of apocaphiliacs) ? Quite a few people around the traps (even with Matt no longer blogging) still seem to be keeping a wary eye on the progress of this new flu strain, which I tend to put down to Jay Hanson's throwaway line that the ultimate solution in the "dieoff" scenario is for the "elites" to use a bioweapon to depopulate the planet (thereby making sure that "they" aren't part of this aforesaid dieoff). I haven't noticed any conspiracy theory sites out there brooding obsessively on this line of reasoning, but no doubt somewhere out in the vastnesses of the internet someone is developing just such a theory.
So it came as no surprise to see that Jay himself has begun doing so. He did recently put forward an alternative to his recent plea for military dictatorship to handle his vision of the post peak period by suggesting something that sounded more like a socialist ("common interest") centrally planned economy - I didn't keep track of where that idea went, but he now seems to have merged this idea back into the military government idea.
I think I see what's coming... I was watching a TV program on the next flu... One of the guests said a new "bird flu" pandemic would end the global economy and economists didn't know how to start it again...
A new bird flu pandemic seems to accomplish all of the objectives I have been discussing WITHOUT the catastrophe of a nuclear war or anarchy.
#1. Most importantly, a pandemic will end "the global economy", thereby reducing reduce natural resource use by 90%. This could add decades to the life span of America and other developed countries.
#2. A pandemic will replace the current bunch of elected fuckups (a "special interest government") with the military (a "common interest government") in order to distribute NEEDS to people.
#3. A pandemic will keep the gangsters INDOORS so they won't rape and pillage.
It's brilliant. Of course, it's just a guess...
I'm not sure "briliiant" is the right word for this theory but it was predictable at least (though perhaps I should be concerned that I can now predict Jay's theories in advance).
Continuing on the bird flu and conspiracy topics, Financial Sense Online has a new article (or conspiracy theory, depnding on how you classify these things) by energy politics commentator William Engdahl on the links between Donald Rumsfeld and the company which invented Tamiflu.
As someone who is fairly conservative (in the old sense of the word) I've always found the idea of public officials profiting from large governnment programmes pretty distasteful (and Rummy isn't the only example of this) - people should make a choice between business and government and not flit between the two so that any perception of conflict of interest or corruption can be avoided.