The Clean Coal Debate  

Posted by Big Gav in ,

Dave Roberts at Grist has a post on the PR campaign to try and sell the "clean coal" mirage - 'Clean coal' non-debate produces fake rift among lefties!.

Wow, this is one craptastic piece of journalism. It's about "the clean coal debate," but you can get all the way through it without stumbling across a single fact about the purported subject. Al Gore and environmentalists "portray" "clean coal" as a mirage. Is it? Are there clean coal power plants somewhere? The reader never knows.

Dumber than that is the whole frame of the article, which pits Al Gore against Barack Obama, despite the fact that they recommend identical approaches to "clean coal" -- research it, but don't rely on it, and don't build dirty coal plants while waiting for it.

The fact is, the average citizen trying to find out more about "clean coal" by consuming U.S. media is likely to emerge from that effort knowing and understanding less. Nice job, media.


If the stone age didn't end for lack of stones... why must the coal age continue?

"Economist" types use the "stones in the stone age" argument (I would argue form a position of ignorance) as a justification for "perfect substitutability" of resources... or of human ingenuity... so why not for coal?

My son always asks me to show him the latest perpetual motion machines... and enjoys the science and logic of figuring out why it is or isn't possible.

But nothing is as entertaining as watching the 'perpetual stupidity' machine greenwashing has brought into the energy sector.

Brilliant, sustainable energy sources grossly ignored... for simple greed and fear of change from status quo...

Trading markets for 'co2' and 'carbon' ideas of clean coal?
Seriously, these are the same people who brought you the pet rock and bottled energy water.

I don't feel sorry for the gullible until they invest the future of others on magic beans.

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