Dormant and Not So Dormant Memes
Posted by Big Gav
Rumours of an invasion of Iran in June seem to have pretty much dried up now - and while Iran itself hasn't completed dropped from the news flow, stories like this seem a lot less frequent lately (via Lowem)The rise of Fascism in America is another meme that has dropped off a lot lately (maybe because the post election excitement has died down or perhaps because the neocons and christian right have suffered a few setbacks this year) - though here is one little story along those lines from Emerald City, and a site listing Bush-Hitler comparisons. Having a look at the graph shows a frenzy in February - is this because of the Schiavo sideshow perhaps ? If not, can anyone think of what was going on then ? (I did compare the 2, but most of the Schiavo madness came later, though it did have an initial spike at the same time))
I'm not sure if the "books" blog virus is strictly categorisable as a meme, but it does seem to have spread quite rapidly - today I noticed it at MonkeyGrinder, Lowem and Jozet at Halushki (for those of you who like to know how these things start, I tracked it back to here, but there the scent went cold and I decided life was too short - who is "Loupy" ?). I'm not sure who MG tagged, but unless explicitly named I'll stay out of it. From the graph it appeared it started in early May - unless its been around for a while and just had a revival.
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