Use Your Vote Wisely
Posted by Big Gav in australia, election, politics
I'll be away for the next week from Saturday, so you won't see any commentary from me in the lead up to election day.
I'm sure regular readers won't need any urging, but just in case you are deaf and blind (as one guy who read for over 2 years before "resigning" in a huff a couple of months back clearly was) - Peak Energy recommends turfing the Rodent and his government out on their backsides and hurling rotten fruit at them.
They've done nothing (in fact negative things) about global warming, they've done nothing about our energy security (other than shamefully backing the American oil war in Iraq and destroying our traditional freedoms thanks to their fear mongering and draconian "anti terror" legislation) and they've done nothing to position the country to be successful at anything other than digging up dirt and selling it overseas - they've simply ridden on the coattails of Paul Keating and the China boom.
And they're a bunch of pork barreling hypocrites.
So vote for a minor party first and put the coalition last in your preferences - especially in the Senate.
Hopefully the country will head off in a new, better direction in December.