FuelWatch: Petrol F***ing Expensive  

Posted by Big Gav

I may have been away all last week but th Australia / New Zealand branch of the oil Drum continued to move along without skipping a beat. Phil pointed to this new campaign from GetUp! mocking the Fuel Watch scheme - Australian Petrol: Very ****ing Expensive (GetUp! does FuelWatch).

Also at TOD ANZ:

* What you can do about Peak Oil and Petrol Prices
* ABC 7:30 Report: Richard Heinberg & Prime Minister Kevin Rudd
* The Future of Air Travel?
* The Ups and Downs of Giving a Peak Oil Presentation


You know, Big Gav...reading your blog for these past few years has been like having my own set of those binoculars. Not that you were going on about how expensive or doom-tastic the future would be (that's Kunstler's blog ;-) ) but I'm not feeling quite so blindsided by needing to mortgage my house to fill my car with gas.

Seriously...do you feel like Cassandra some days now that even my NASCAR friends are clicking on sites like yous?

Hey Jozet - good to hear from you.

I don't really feel like a Cassandra - by and large I just observe what is happening and try to see where things are headed.

I don't feel like I have any special capability for foresight or that I'm being ignored.

The oil price situation was entirely predictable a few years back - I'm pretty bored with it now to tell the truth - tracking oil related stories is more a habit than an area of strong interest nowadays.

I'm still interested in seeing what the future holds though, and trying to nudge things in my preferred direction as far as possible (which isn't much but you never know - people with more clout than me read this thing from time to time and hopefully have some regard for my track record now).

I'm actually quite optimistic about the future - oil prices have to rise to make people pay attention and start changing their ways - it will never happen otherwsie.

So seeing high prices now makes me happy in that sense - especially as I feel the true peak is still some way off.

If speculators are partially driving the price lately then good luck to them - they are sending the right price signal to everyone.

Its a shame the less well off a getting hammered - but simply telling people the present course wasn't sustainable wasn't working - its only when the hip pocket gets hit that pressure to change starts building.

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