Ask Nature
Posted by Big Gav in ask nature, biomimicry
Inhabitat reports that the Biomimicry Institute has teamed up with Autodesk to creeate - Ask Nature: Using Biomimicry to Solve Design Problems.
The Biomimicry Institute recently teamed up with Autodesk to launch, an incredible source of information for the growing community of professionals researching and applying the principles of biomimicry. The solutions that animals and nature have come up with have been tried and tested for millions of years (certainly longer than humans have been designing), so why reinvent the wheel? Why not learn from nature to make our designs more efficient, elegant, and sustainable? ...
Although AskNature is still in beta, the site has caught the eye of many designers, sustainability experts and news sites, and many people are quickly working to add more information, ideas and data. Researchers and biologists with information on how nature works are encouraged to share their findings, and designers, architects, and inventors can freely use this site to search for ideas and solutions, and even connect to the original researchers for collaboration.