Monterey Bay Shores Ecoresort  

Posted by Big Gav in

Green building of the week from Inhabitat is another eco-resort, this one in Monterey - Monterey Bay Shores Set to be Greenest Ecoresort in the World.

Monterey Bay Shores is a stunning new development set to break ground this month that will convert a desolate disused sand mine into a thriving environmental preserve and eco-resort. Replete with living walls and a five acre green roof, the development boasts an impressive list of green design elements and is working towards LEED Platinum certification. Now, saying that you’re the “Greenest Eco Resort” is quite a claim, but if the Resort builds out all that they have promised, it really will be the most environmentally friendly resort in the US, and possibly in the world.

The resort will provide 30% of its own power from wind and solar resources augmented by geothermal heat pumps for heating and cooling. The green roofs include photovoltaic and evacuated tube solar hot water systems, while horizontal wind turbines will be strategically located behind restored sand dunes for optimum wind velocity. The buildings themselves will be highly energy efficient and reduce energy use by over 50%. Windows and rooms are designed to optimize daylight to reduce lighting needs.

With a fresh coastal breeze constantly available, cooling needs are easily addressed through natural ventilation techniques. Living walls will provide a natural biofiltration system that will improve indoor air quality and reduce dependence on artificially cooled air. Buildings will be constructed from a hybrid system of prefabricated panels and on-site construction using sustainable and recyclable materials. Water-wise technologies will also be employed, reducing the need for potable water by 50%. All irrigation water will come from on-site recycled stormwater or from the rainwater catchment system.


Anonymous   says 10:10 AM

Eco resorts seem to be popping up everywhere. Glad to see it's catchin on, and in Caliornia too. I like it!

Great info, and a great idea.
California needs these greatly !!

Thanks LaVern Williams
If you get time stop by my Monterey Bay Blog site and say hi...Looking forward to your visit..The Monterey Bay Pacific Coast Network

Have you heard all the latest advances in super clean ,renewable geothermal technology? You can now not only cool and heat your home and business this energy efficient way but heat your POOL also!!! There is some very exciting news well worth looking into , along with tax rebates being offered.

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