Boris Johnson unveils blueprint for London's 'cycling revolution'  

Posted by Big Gav in ,

The Guardian has an article on a new bike hire scheme for London, following the lead of a lot of continental European cities - Boris Johnson unveils blueprint for London's 'cycling revolution'.

Londoners will soon be able to hire bikes in the centre of town for short journeys, under plans announced today by the mayor, Boris Johnson.

From 2010, the capital's cycle hire scheme should be open with around 6,000 bikes in central locations. Today, Transport for London (TfL) began applying for planning permission for the 400 docking stations, where people will be able to pick up and drop off bikes around central London.

The docking stations will be built around 300m apart so that potential cyclists are never too far from being able to borrow and lock-up hired bikes.

"I pledged to deliver a cycling revolution across the city, and there is now a growing excitement about our cycle hire scheme, which will give all Londoners the opportunity to hop on a bike and experience the joys of cycling," said Johnson.

"Much like hailing a cab, people will be able to pick up one of 6,000 bikes, and zip around town to their heart's content – not only a quick, easy, and healthy option, but one that will also make London a more liveable city."

The first of the planning applications has been submitted to Camden council with further applications planned for later this year in Hackney, Lambeth, Islington, Kensington and Chelsea, Southwark, Tower Hamlets and Westminster and the City of London. When the scheme is up to full speed, officials expect it will create an additional 40,000 cycle journeys on the 500,000 already made every day in central London. A similar cycle scheme launched in Paris saw 1.6m hires in the first month alone. Pricing is yet to be announced for London's hire project, but VĂ©lib' in Paris charges €1 ticket for half an hour's cycling – the cost is different if riders take out weekly or yearly subscriptions.

David Brown, managing director of surface transport at TfL, said the cycle hire scheme was meant to build on the growth in cycle journeys seen across London in recent years. "[It] will be the most sustainable, environmentally friendly form of public transport ever seen in London, and will provide people with an inexpensive and convenient way of making short trips around London."

Friends of the Earth's senior transport campaigner, Tony Bosworth, welcomed the cycle hire scheme. "Nearly a quarter of all car journeys in the UK are less than two miles long. Offering Londoners access to cheap bike hire would provide a greener and healthier alternative to driving – and help cut congestion, carbon emissions and air pollution in the capital."


A similar scheme is planned for Brisbane. See for details


Sorry had to share...
Would love these for bicycles:

Bikes are 2% of road fatalities and Cycles over 10%.

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