Steorn again
Posted by Big Gav in free energy, steorn
Free Energy News has a report on Irish free energy company Steorn, who, undeterred by their abject failure a few years ago when trying to demonstrate their technology, are planning another demonstration of their technology this year - Steorn plans Orbo free energy demo in 2009.
The Irish company, Steorn, is gearing up for another public demonstration attempt of their revolutionary Orbo "free energy" technology -- by the end of 2009.
This past Tuesday, FreeEnergyTimes conducted an email interview with Steorn CEO, Sean McCarthy, providing an update to their progress and intentions. McCarthy said "The demonstration will involve a public display of various Orbo systems, there will be a live video-stream from the location that people can watch via our website." The primary purpose of the demonstrations will be to attract the interest of individuals and companies who want to develop Orbo-powered products.