Queensland Farm to use coal seam water for irrigation
Posted by Big Gav in coal seam gas, water
The ABC has a report on an experiment in Queensland to use waste water from coal seam gas extraction for irrigation - Farm to use coal seam water for irrigation.
A project using treated coal seam gas water for irrigation and beef production has kicked off in Roma in southern Queensland. Gas company Santos says it's the first partnership between a coal gas producer and a family-owned agribusiness in Queensland.
President of Santos GLNG project, Mark Macfarlane, says the water goes through a vigorous process to ensure it's safe. "Processes called reverse osmosis and also water amendment, and it absolutely guarantees that we have the very highest quality of clean water that can be used to irrigate crops on their property," he said. "We'll be providing around about 700 megalitres of clean water over a four-year period."