Peak Oil Debate In Canberra
Posted by Big Gav
The Federal Department of Transport are conducting a presentation (and possibly a debate) on peak oil next week - Australian peak oilers are encouraged to go along and join in.
Ian McPherson from Sydney Peak Oil and Margot Kingston from the Herald will be there, so be sure to say hi.
On Wednesday August 10, there will be a public debate on Peak Oil, sponsored by the Federal Department of Transport and Regional Services. DTRS spokesperson Lyn Martin will be presenting a draft of the paper: "Is the world running out of oil? A review of the debate".
Description: The doubling of world oil prices over the past two years has revived concerns that the world is running out of oil. The issue is of particular relevance to transport as it currently faces few viable alternative sources of energy. BTRE Working Paper 61 aims at dispassionately examining both sides of what is often a highly emotive debate. The key issues are reviewed and the policy implications are discussed, with the surprising conclusion that the "first best" policy making could see the two opposing camps quite closely aligned.
Presenter: Lyn Martin
Date: Wednesday 10 August
Begins: 2:30 PM
Ends: 3:30 PM
(tea and coffee available at end of presentation)
Location: Johnson Auditorium, Pilgrim House, 69 Northbourne Avenue, Canberra
RSVP: Lynnette Philip ext 7818 (+612 6274 7818 external) or lynnette.philip (at)