Lunar Energy To Build World's Largest Tidal Power Scheme In South Korea  

Posted by Big Gav in , ,

British company Lunar Energy has agreed to become part of a joint venture in South Korea to build a 300 MW tidal power scheme. From The Daily Telegraph:

A British firm has agreed to build a giant tidal power scheme - the world's largest - in South Korea, using underwater turbines that experts say could make the proposed £15 billion Severn Barrage obsolete.

The £500 million scheme proposed off the South Korean coast will use power from fast-moving tidal streams, caused by rising and falling tides, to turn a field of 300 60ft-high tidal turbines on the sea floor. The turbines are dropped into deep water, so they are not a danger to ships, and the ecological impacts are less than tidal barrages which take away mudflats important to birds and impede the passage of migratory fish such as salmon, shad and eels.

The joint venture between Lunar Energy, a British tidal power company, and Korean Midland Power Company, in the Wando Hoenggan waterway is expected to power 200,000 homes by 2015.

Tests on a 1 megawatt pilot turbine by the Korean authorities will start early next year to assess the environmental impacts before permission is given for the full scheme. The turbines designed by Lunar Energy will be built by Hyundai Heavy Industries and Rotech Engineering, the other partners in the scheme. Lunar Energy is already working with the energy company E.ON on a proposal for an eight turbine tidal power scheme off the Welsh coast.

The design of turbine chosen by the company is based on existing technology used in the oil industry. It has a 2,500 ton frame into which a "cassette" containing a pump, generator, motor and electronics are dropped. The turbines will be deep in the water to avoid any danger to ships

William Law, chairman of Lunar Energy, said that there was the potential around the British coast for tidal stream turbines to generate up to 20 per cent of Britain's energy needs. This compares with the proposed £15 billion Severn estuary barrage – which it is estimated could produce five per cent of Britain's electricity after a 15-year construction period.

Mr Law added: "The ideal place is the Pentland Firth in Scotland where there is a huge resource of at least 10,000 megawatts – equivalent three large coal-fired power stations or enough to power a million homes – in deep water. "There is also a lot of potential in the Irish Channel, the George Channel, off the Isle of Wight and off the Channel Islands."

More at The Scotsman:
The fabrication and installation of the tidal turbines will be carried out by Hyundai Heavy Industries, while Rotech Engineering, an Aberdeen-based research and development company with considerable expertise in the offshore oil and gas industries, will provide the specialist components.

William Law, the chairman of Lunar Energy said: "I am delighted to announce this joint venture, which will combine the subsea engineering skills of Rotech with the known fabrication expertise of Hyundai. It is also a testament to the forward-thinking management of Korean Midland Power that they have seen the potential in this UK technology both for their company and Korea itself. "Lunar's lead ing role gives a British company massive potential to exploit the roll-out of tidal energy worldwide."

A company spokesman added: "It is intended that full resource research and feasibility be completed by July of this year with the installation of a 1MW pilot plant by March 2009. "Each one megawatt unit has a turbine diameter of 11.5m and a fully ballasted weight in excess of 2500 tons. Rotech tidal turbines can be easily grouped to suit tidal streams in locations worldwide. Lunar Energy is at the forefront in developing an economical and viable submerged tidal turbine with the aim of producing reliable renewable energy in an unobtrusive manner. This latest contract emphasises the increasing recognition by the worldwide power generation industry that tidal stream currents represent a significant renewable energy resource that is predictable, invisible and economic."


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