Americans: Go Vote  

Posted by Big Gav

The idea of elections where people don't bother voting is a bit strange to Australians (we have to turn up to vote or we get fined), but I think its important to participate in the democratic process so I'll encourage all you US based readers to get out and vote today.

Of course, I hope you won't be voting for the Republicans (but I don't really care which of Obama, Nader, Barr or the other candidates you vote for, so long as it isn't McCain), for a list of reasons that should be obvious to all after the last 8 years of unparalleled disaster, corruption, incompetence and endless violations of individual freedom (not to mention a million dead Iraqi's who ended up that way because the Bush administration thought 9/11 gave them a good enough excuse to grab Iraq's oil).

Its not a random event that Bush is the most disliked president since polling on the question began in the 1930s - and McCain won't be any less awful.

WorldChanging has a collection of suggestions to the next president about what to do when he reaches office. I liked Bruce's (typically offbeat yet sensible) suggestions:

1. Say warm, kind, supportive things to the "international community." Announce plans for a glamorous summit of heads of state. Invite the pariahs.
Respond urbanely to frenzied scoldings from aliens.

2. Feed every American NGO that was ritually starved during Bush. Rehabilitate activists made invisible and inaudible by previous regime. Distribute medals and praise.

3. Abolish Department of "Homeland Security," abolish Guantanamo, restore habeas corpus, 4th Amendment, etc.

4. Arrest bin Laden.

5. Loudly indict some malefactor from previous regime so as to keep the rag-tag die-hards off-balance and busy defending him.


Anonymous   says 1:28 AM

do they know what NGO stands for?

I expect Bruce thinks it means "Non Governmental organisation" - what do you think it means ?

Anonymous   says 1:33 AM

It's me, Odo.

Yes, I was surprised that NGOs would be fed by government. Wikipedia starts:

"A non-governmental organization (NGO) is a legally constituted organization created by private organizations or people with no participation or representation of any government."

but then takes an unfortunate turn:

"In the cases in which NGOs are funded totally or partially by governments, the NGO maintains its non-governmental status insofar as it excludes government representatives from membership in the organization."

Such contradiction is, IMO, extremely unfortunate.

I want assurance really that the NGOs I support are NGOs. I want the easy ability to distinguish between O's supported by volunteerism purely, or those supported by power as well.

- odograph

Ah - hi Odo - good point the "N" is important.

Its not clear that he meant the govt should fund them - he did say "shower them with medals and praise".

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